Bible Guide: Read Luke 6:46-49
Too many churches have become just religious clubs with committees, boards, and programs, but are producing nothing. If half the energy spent in talking about the program of the church could be channeled into spreading the gospel, countless thousands could be won for Christ. Pious talk and lengthy resolutions cannot take the place of proclaiming the precious message of the grace of GOD.
“Poverty could be lessened if anyone who has so much could at least share a piece to those who have nothing”
May 29, 2009
Lap Band Surgery
Lap Band Surgery also known as Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band procedure has become an option for those who want to lose weight. The procedure involves implanting an inflatable silicone band into the patient's abdomen. Lap Band Surgery induces weight loss by reducing the capacity of the stomach, which restricts the amount of food that can be consumed. Lap Band Surgery has become an option for people who have been fat since childhood and exercise and dieting is ineffective to them. For more information about Lap Band Surgery you can visit their site 1800GETSLIM.
I have never experienced being fat because all my life I have been blessed with a slim figure and even after I’ve given birth to my two children I still have the same figure. I still have the same clothes size and when people look at me they could never guess that I have been pregnant twice. I never experienced the pain of dieting or even the exercising regimen that others have. I can see people who are naturally heavy and I could see them dieting and I think it’s hard to control the urge to eat. I think it is not fair that others need to suffer just to have the size that they want. Anyway it’s a common fact that being slim and fit could be healthy and far from the common health problems that obese people could experience. Being chubby and healthy is nice especially if you are confident with your body. It is a choice for every individual to look and feel whatever they want but being healthy is still the wiser thing to be.
I have never experienced being fat because all my life I have been blessed with a slim figure and even after I’ve given birth to my two children I still have the same figure. I still have the same clothes size and when people look at me they could never guess that I have been pregnant twice. I never experienced the pain of dieting or even the exercising regimen that others have. I can see people who are naturally heavy and I could see them dieting and I think it’s hard to control the urge to eat. I think it is not fair that others need to suffer just to have the size that they want. Anyway it’s a common fact that being slim and fit could be healthy and far from the common health problems that obese people could experience. Being chubby and healthy is nice especially if you are confident with your body. It is a choice for every individual to look and feel whatever they want but being healthy is still the wiser thing to be.
May 28, 2009
Feminine Products specially formulated for menopausal women
Menopausal women have common problems with dryness in their skin. I’ve recently visited and I’ve discovered that they have Feminine Products specially formulated for menopausal women. The product is called Vulvare and it is a moisturizer for the most delicate part of a woman’s body. It counteracts the effects of parched skin associated with menopause and it relieves itching and discomfort due to dryness. This product is very helpful for women who have experienced the effects of menopause on their skin. It is safe and gentle for every woman because it is developed by a physician and formulated with botanical extracts.
The company’s other product is called Private Rx and it is formulated to smoothen away razor bumps and inhibits the growth of in-grown hair in a woman’s intimate area after waxing. Private Rx is a two step treatment. Cooling pads soothe the skin and may prevent skin infection after waxing and shaving. The second step is applying the soothing serum to help prevent in-grown hairs to the area. These products are very important for a woman to ease the pain of unwanted hair removal to the most delicate skin on her body. I for one have experienced the pain of waxing and I could not even bear it so I’m opting to shave my unwanted hair.
The company’s other product is called Private Rx and it is formulated to smoothen away razor bumps and inhibits the growth of in-grown hair in a woman’s intimate area after waxing. Private Rx is a two step treatment. Cooling pads soothe the skin and may prevent skin infection after waxing and shaving. The second step is applying the soothing serum to help prevent in-grown hairs to the area. These products are very important for a woman to ease the pain of unwanted hair removal to the most delicate skin on her body. I for one have experienced the pain of waxing and I could not even bear it so I’m opting to shave my unwanted hair.
Update of Influenza A H1N1 aka swine flu in the Philippines
There were already six confirmed cases that have been infected with this flu in the Philippines. There are also patients that were taken in for observation in our nearby city. Honestly I’m worried about this illness because this can easily spread like the common flu. This flu is a new strain of virus which is a reassortment of viruses from pigs, birds and human. It can be fatal because this flu can cause pneumonia. It is transmissible from human to human through exposure to droplets from the cough and sneeze of infected persons. The virus can also spread by touching one’s mouth, nose or eyes after getting contact with contaminated object and infected person. Incubation period of the disease is two to seven days from time of exposure. Swine flu is treatable with the standard anti-flu drugs such as Tamiflu and Releza, however it should be taken with doctor’s prescription. As of now there was still no vaccine for this kind of flu.
In order to avoid contracting the disease we should avoid close contact with persons exhibiting flu-like symptoms. Flu viruses spread through the air, so cover coughs and sneezes with tissue and throw in the trash after use. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and water after cough or sneeze. It is also recommended to use 60 – 70% solution rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizers for disinfection. Increase body resistance by sleeping atleast 8 hours regularly, manage stress, eat nutritious food and drink plenty of water.
If you have these symptoms it is recommended to see your doctor.
The following are the signs and symptoms which are flu-like:
Muscle of joint pains
Lack of appetite
Runny nose
Sore throat
Other reported symptoms are:
Difficulty of breathing
In order to avoid contracting the disease we should avoid close contact with persons exhibiting flu-like symptoms. Flu viruses spread through the air, so cover coughs and sneezes with tissue and throw in the trash after use. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and water after cough or sneeze. It is also recommended to use 60 – 70% solution rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizers for disinfection. Increase body resistance by sleeping atleast 8 hours regularly, manage stress, eat nutritious food and drink plenty of water.
If you have these symptoms it is recommended to see your doctor.
The following are the signs and symptoms which are flu-like:
Muscle of joint pains
Lack of appetite
Runny nose
Sore throat
Other reported symptoms are:
Difficulty of breathing
Voice dialing is unique internet marketing
I’ve recently visited my and at first I got confused about the operation of this kind of business but after reading about them it becomes clear to me. Their business focuses more on voice broadcasting as internet marketing. They provide Mortgage Leads to their client. They specialized on loan modification leads that will result in finding distressed home-owners and others who are interested in mortgage so their client will be able to close the deal. They can produce leads through Telephone, Internet, Radio, and Television. They also provide political dialing for those politicians who wanted to campaign for their desired position in the government. All in all their operation provides an option for business and politician to take the opportunity to increase their leads thru the internet.
Marriage is like waking up from a fairy tale dream

I think little girls should not read this kind of stories because their mind is set to find their prince charming early on. I think I should read my daughter bible stories instead. I’m planning to buy a complete set of bible stories with illustration. I think there is nothing wrong with fairytales but it is just not true. I’ve learned something good from fairytales in my younger years. It helps me to use my imagination and develop my English skills. It helps me to believe in the goodness of mankind and it gives me a positive outlook in life. One thing also is it helps me to fall in love.
Marriage In the other hand is so different from a fairytale because it belongs to the drama genre. Where every kind of story is present, comedy, action, drama even horror and suspense. What is so different is it is absolutely real. It is not some story that some author just cook up with their imagination. You think you have married your prince charming and you just wake up one day and you realize that you have married a troll. Yes a troll just like Shrek, a character in the movie. Your husband also realized that he had married Princess Fiona. Fiona is the feisty princess in the movie. Shrek is like a real person and not a prince charming of your dreams. He is obnoxious and lacking pretense but anyhow you learn to love him. I guess that’s what marriage does to a princess in us.

Small Business loan for those who lost their job.
Our economy still has not recovered and even if the government is helping to open new job opportunities for those who have lost their job due to economic slow down, there are still many people who have no jobs. Good thing though there are many government and non government business financial institution who are offering Small Business Loans this could be a great help for those who lost their job because they could start earning again through their new business.
My wishlist for this year
This year I’m planning to buy a blender, oven toaster and air cooler. A blender is very useful in blending fruits and vegetables to a healthy drink. The oven toaster could help me improve my baking skills and it would be an opportunity for me to finally bake and try out my recipe collections. The air cooler is a good complement to my computer because it’s economical and we could save up more on the electric bill than air conditioner.
Relax and see movies and shows with Direct TV
Our job could be stressful sometimes and we just have to relax after a busy day at work. I felt relaxed when I go home and watch tv especially if there are a lot of channels to choose from. Speaking of a lot of channels, I’ve recently visited Direct The directtv is a digital satellite entertainment provider. They deliver programming from more than 265 channels to homes and businesses with Direct tv receiving equipment.
This summer could be the best time to subscribe from Direct TV because it has exclusive programming with NASCAR, shows canceled from cable, and all the movie channels you could possibly need. It could only mean that you can see shows that are not shown on the other channels and made available with Direct TV. They also offer great deals and packages that will just fit into your budget.
This summer could be the best time to subscribe from Direct TV because it has exclusive programming with NASCAR, shows canceled from cable, and all the movie channels you could possibly need. It could only mean that you can see shows that are not shown on the other channels and made available with Direct TV. They also offer great deals and packages that will just fit into your budget.
May 27, 2009
Success could be luck and hard work
I’m kind of happy for my brother because right now he had already a regular job. I think I owe him an apology for my post last time. You could never really predict what happens with someone’s career and I’m just thankful that after how many years of working he finally got what he wanted. I think there is a time for everything and sometimes you are just there at the right time and sometimes you get lucky. Sometimes also you got unlucky but it would later turn out for the best.
I think not everyone believes in God but I do believe in him and I firmly believe that all things work together for those who love God and are called for his purpose. Whatever happens no matter how painful it is it will still turn out for the best Of course you will not know it now but you will just realize when that time comes that indeed it is true, you could never get where you are at if you have not experienced heartache or failure in the past.
My son is already 3 years and 4 months old and my baby girl is 10 months old, I could not say that I am content with my career because there is so much more that I still have to achieve. In acquisition of wealth I’m also not content with what we have right now because honestly there is so much more that we still have to acquire to live a modest and comfortable life. I’m also thinking of my children’s future.
I think not everyone believes in God but I do believe in him and I firmly believe that all things work together for those who love God and are called for his purpose. Whatever happens no matter how painful it is it will still turn out for the best Of course you will not know it now but you will just realize when that time comes that indeed it is true, you could never get where you are at if you have not experienced heartache or failure in the past.
My son is already 3 years and 4 months old and my baby girl is 10 months old, I could not say that I am content with my career because there is so much more that I still have to achieve. In acquisition of wealth I’m also not content with what we have right now because honestly there is so much more that we still have to acquire to live a modest and comfortable life. I’m also thinking of my children’s future.
May 26, 2009
My sustenance as a Fire Snake

In the Chinese calendar I was born in the year of the snake. In the Chinese horoscope the Snake is known to be intuitive, introspective, refined and collected of the Animal Signs. They are attractive people who take cries with ease and do not become flustered easily. They are graceful people, exciting and dark at the same time. Snake would be willing to sacrifice his possessions, something the Snake has a lot of, in order to pay for his family’s food. Any way it is interpreted as a representative of the Snake’s character and is a measure of the value he puts on his material wealth. The Snake is keen and cunning, quite intelligent and wise.
In the Chinese horoscope I belong to the THE FIRE SNAKE. The Fire Snakes are known to be a bit loud, speaking their minds and smothering you with their opinions. This does add a twist to his dynamic and vibrant character, as he is quite the extrovert. These Snakes have a great wisdom. They are intriguing communicators who leave you breathless after a conversation. Fire Snakes can change even the most obstinate mind with their powers of persuasion, convincing you their opinions or ideas are better than yours. This does make them a little self-centered, but you can’t say they aren’t driven for success.
I think a lot of these characters are in me especially the way I do speak my mind that even a simple issue could become a debate but I think we do change as we grow older. I try not to engage in a fiery debate anymore and I learn to be reserved in the way I talk. I have a couple of mishaps in the past when I do speak my mind and I do learn from my mistakes. I suppose being married and having children helps me to be more composed and wiser.
What makes it so interesting is that my son was born in the year of the rooster and my daughter was born
last 2008 in the year of the rat. In the animal world these two animals are the primary food of the snake. I could honestly say that it is indeed true, they are my sustenance. They do gave me
a purpose and make me stable and calm. They can control the fire in me. I suppose as my nourishment they do make me healthier and more alive.
In the Chinese horoscope I belong to the THE FIRE SNAKE. The Fire Snakes are known to be a bit loud, speaking their minds and smothering you with their opinions. This does add a twist to his dynamic and vibrant character, as he is quite the extrovert. These Snakes have a great wisdom. They are intriguing communicators who leave you breathless after a conversation. Fire Snakes can change even the most obstinate mind with their powers of persuasion, convincing you their opinions or ideas are better than yours. This does make them a little self-centered, but you can’t say they aren’t driven for success.
I think a lot of these characters are in me especially the way I do speak my mind that even a simple issue could become a debate but I think we do change as we grow older. I try not to engage in a fiery debate anymore and I learn to be reserved in the way I talk. I have a couple of mishaps in the past when I do speak my mind and I do learn from my mistakes. I suppose being married and having children helps me to be more composed and wiser.
What makes it so interesting is that my son was born in the year of the rooster and my daughter was born

May 25, 2009
May 23, 2009
The nutritional values of the Guava Fruit
The guava fruit was said to have more vitamin C than citrus. Studies show that the edible rind has five times the vitamin c of an orange fruit. Nutrition experts claim that vitamin c can be found mainly in the skin, secondly in the firm flesh, and little in the central pulp, and little in the central pulp- varies from 56 to 600 milligrams. It may range up to 350-450 milligrams in nearly ripe fruit. It is said that when it is fully ripe and soft, the vitamin C content may decline to 50-100 milligrams
May 20, 2009
Potty Training for my 10 months old Baby girl
I have already told my nanny to start potty training my 10 months old baby girl. I’ve learn that a child can already learn the right time to poop if you let them sit on the potty chair the same time everyday and say poo poo to them over and over again. It really works for my baby girl and it’s a lot easier than to let her caught me off guard. The next thing you know their poop is already all over the place. Diapers are alright but in our hot climate here it’s not really advisable to let them wear diapers 24 hours a day and everyday.
May 19, 2009
Latest on Laser Beauty treatments
I’ve heard so many women who have tried laser beauty treatments. There are positive ones and negative ones but the best thing that anyone should do is to visit their doctor first before undergoing any medical treatment. A smart woman should at all times ask for the license of the doctor that will perform this kind of treatment. At all times we must bear in mind that this profession is based on real testimony and it should be by referral.
Laser beauty treatments are used in hair removal, birthmark removal, skin pigmentation, stretch mark removal and tattoo removal. After I gave birth to my second child I have this unsightly stretch mark on my belly. I showed it to my husband and ask him what he thinks of it and well, he just told me that it’s just okay. I’ve never actually ask anyone if they have opted for laser treatment but anyway it is still an option.
Laser skin resurfacing helps to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines on the face as well as acne scars but is not recommend on dark skin because the skin that resurfaces has a different color tone and can be highly evident on dark skin. As we grow older moisturizers can no longer give us the desired effects that we want for our skin but it is still an option if we want to do something about it or if we choose to age gracefully. Laser vein treatments help reduce the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins. I have spider veins and varicose veins on my legs and it has gotten worse when I was pregnant last year but it has improved after I gave birth to my baby. Anyway it could also be an option for worse cases because aside it’s unsightly appearance it can cause swelling and pain.
Laser beauty treatments are used in hair removal, birthmark removal, skin pigmentation, stretch mark removal and tattoo removal. After I gave birth to my second child I have this unsightly stretch mark on my belly. I showed it to my husband and ask him what he thinks of it and well, he just told me that it’s just okay. I’ve never actually ask anyone if they have opted for laser treatment but anyway it is still an option.
Laser skin resurfacing helps to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines on the face as well as acne scars but is not recommend on dark skin because the skin that resurfaces has a different color tone and can be highly evident on dark skin. As we grow older moisturizers can no longer give us the desired effects that we want for our skin but it is still an option if we want to do something about it or if we choose to age gracefully. Laser vein treatments help reduce the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins. I have spider veins and varicose veins on my legs and it has gotten worse when I was pregnant last year but it has improved after I gave birth to my baby. Anyway it could also be an option for worse cases because aside it’s unsightly appearance it can cause swelling and pain.
I'm watching Boys over flowers
I have another reason aside from my kids to go home early after work. Yes I’m watching Boys over Flowers, a Korean TV series which is an adaptation of the Meteor Garden of Taiwan. The origin of this story was a Japanese manga which was also adapted as a TV series in Japan. The story is about a girl of middle class family who was a scholar in a prestigious high school for the rich and famous and the group of rich guys a.k.a F4. The main genre of the story is drama, young love and relationship and a lot of humor. What I liked about in this story is that I got reminded of my teen years in high school and college. Life in our younger years is full of fun, carefree and a time for exploration. You can view their site here

The Swine flu a.k.a. Ah1n1 virus
I’m kind of worried of this highly communicable disease spreading like a wildfire worldwide. I’m just wondering why there is still no available vaccine for this kind of flu. I’m thinking why has are our scientist not been able to make a vaccine today. I think it’s about time because many countries are already affected with this kind of illness. I hope they can already provide a vaccine as soon as possible before it’s too late.
This flu was a mutation of the swine flu, bird flu and the human flu. It has somehow evolved in this kind of virus. This kind of flu was believed to have originated in Mexico and was now spreading like a wildfire worldwide. I’m still relieved that it still has not entered the Philippines but I’m still worried because until now a vaccine is still not available. There is already an available anti viral in the market like the Tamiflu for this kind of flu but I hope the testing kit has already reached our province. This kind of sickness is not easy to detect because it has the same symptoms like the common flu so a testing kit is really very important to help avoid the severe fatality of this kind of flu.
This flu was a mutation of the swine flu, bird flu and the human flu. It has somehow evolved in this kind of virus. This kind of flu was believed to have originated in Mexico and was now spreading like a wildfire worldwide. I’m still relieved that it still has not entered the Philippines but I’m still worried because until now a vaccine is still not available. There is already an available anti viral in the market like the Tamiflu for this kind of flu but I hope the testing kit has already reached our province. This kind of sickness is not easy to detect because it has the same symptoms like the common flu so a testing kit is really very important to help avoid the severe fatality of this kind of flu.
May 12, 2009
Scents and perfumes
I’ve recently visited a site that has discounted cologne for men. I like perfume scents that has floral, citrus and sweet scent in it. I don’t really like strong scents because it gives me a headache. Did you know that the scent that we wear defines our character? Yes it does. A person who likes mild scents are simple and classic in nature while people who likes strong scents are extravagant and likes to catch attention. Wearing a perfume also defines our mood for the moment. Sometimes when women like to catch the attention of a man she will wear a floral, sweet and feminine scent. A perfume has a way to entice a man or a woman and if you wear one you definitely deserve a second look.
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Reminder to everyone:
English is my second language so bear with me if my grammar, as well as sentence and paragraph construction is faulty. I am not writing to impress but simply to express my thoughts.
The opinion written here is solely mine and I have no intention to impose it to anyone for that matter. So as the title goes this is just my perception