Jul 16, 2009

Kitchen appliances every wife should have

Whenever I think about our dream house I would always think about my favorite place in it. My favorite places in the house are the kitchen and dining area because there I could create wonderful dishes and serve it to my family. I also would like to have a wine section someday and it would be nice to store wine for special events and wine glasses with intricate design could also add as a decoration. The most important things for a wife to have are kitchen appliances such as coffee maker, toaster oven, blender and steamer. Whenever I think about having a quick breakfast I would make toasted bread and coffee. It would not be complete without the juicy hotdog I cook for my toddler. Pots and Pans are also great to have because it would definitely great for casserole dishes and soup.

I really like to cook and I also compile delicious recipes. I hope one day I may be able to create and cook them all. I have so many Filipino dishes that I cook and serve to my family. My favorites are pork in tamarind broth, pork adobo and beef steak. I also like to make and serve desserts such as mango float and Leche Flan. These desserts are very delicious and easy to prepare. Leche Flan or commonly called caramel custard is made from egg yolk and evaporated milk. It is prepared with soft caramel on top covered with aluminum foil and cooked in the steamer.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I like cooling a lot, Recently I bought a PEL Microwave for make some new dishes.


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