Dec 23, 2008
Christmas Greeting to all my blogging friends
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Dec 19, 2008
One of the largest church in the Philippines

I felt a sense of pride whenever I think about this church and I'm even happy to say that this is the church where my husband and I got married. It's even featured in our national tv that this church is the largest in our country. The new Christ the king cathedral is a catholic church and even has the largest rosary. You can just imagine that one bead of this rosary is the size of a wine barrel. So here are the pictures that I've taken on my cellphone.
Dec 17, 2008
Why do I feel depressed
Dec 15, 2008
Our sad Christmas Party
The children’s pool was really nice because there was a slide on it and there was also a fountain. My son looks at it with delight and I took a picture of him and I promise I’ll post his pictures here next time. I have him ready to swim in the pool but he did not want to come to the water because he said it’s cold. So I just look at him waiting that maybe he will change his mind but unfortunately he just don’t like to swim in the pool. He did not really enjoy that much because he told me that he wanted to go home. I think the place would be great if there was a playground so that my child and I could at least pass the time until it is time to go home. We will have to wait for my colleagues because it’s a company policy to join the party and we have to travel back home together.
There was a bubble show there and it was also nice. Sexy ladies danced while they form a giant bubble and kids were really glad to see the big bubbles. Thank god I won a gift check that day and I exchange it in the mall for his milk. . Our Christmas party was held simultaneously nationwide and the different branches had their own party in their chosen place.
That day was also tragic because a child of our colleague assigned in our other branch died on their Christmas party. The child aged 10 years old drowned in the pool. It was really sad that it happened.
Dec 11, 2008
What to do with annoying phone calls
Dec 9, 2008
What sign do you look like?
The funny thing is my zodiac sign is really Aquarius and I was born in the month of February.
You Look Like an Aquarius |
![]() It's likely that you are very striking. You stand out in a room. You are probably also taller than average, and that also helps you get noticed. You have classical facial features... what some might call a handsome face. You have are attractive in a cool way. You're so attractive, it's intimidating. Like most Aquarius people, you are probably extremely independent... both in your thoughts and actions. You find other people fascinating, and you develop deep, long lasting friendships. |
Dec 8, 2008
Our City's 100 feet Christmas Tree
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From A Woman's Perspective |
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From A Woman's Perspective |
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From A Woman's Perspective |
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From A Woman's Perspective |
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From A Woman's Perspective |
Dec 4, 2008
Please Link with me
After linking on this blog, please do add my link on your site too THANK YOU!!
Dec 2, 2008
About me
Nov 28, 2008
How to get rich
My primary concern is to get a job within the City only because I want to be near my baby and my husband. It took me about more than eight job interviews to get a job. So just imagine the rejections that I have experienced before getting the job that I have now. Anyway reading that book has in a way empowered me to go further or maybe I was born to think positively.
These are the points that I got from the book. It says that we must use our mind and imagine what we want. It is through imagining that things that we want that drives us to push farther. It also says to have a creative thought in using the formless substance around us. We must also think positively and surround ourselves with great things to achieve more. We must always be grateful with what we have and what we will have and become because all great things comes to those who are grateful. Never worry or think negatively because it blocks creative thought. We must also be efficient in everything we do and never hurry but take one step at a time.
If you fail don’t dwell on your failure but move on and forget about it. You might not realize that it happened for a purpose and that something much greater is coming your way. Never be competitive because it will block creative thought. What you do or sell should enrich the lives of people you deal with. Aspire to be rich and never ever accept that it cannot be done. It is only your will that can make you what you will become. Your will cannot be impose to other person because that is coercion and you can only impose it to yourself. Prayer can strengthen your faith but it is only you who can answer your prayer. Click here to get your free copy.
How I got my Job
A month after the test to my surprised I was called again for a panel interview and I was prepared. Thinking beforehand what are the supposed to be questions that might be asked from me and practicing what is my possible answers. There where about ten applicants that were interviewed including me. Weeks passed by and I was called again and informed that I was hired. My husband and I were very happy for the news because that would mean that we can already rent a house of our own. During that time we lived with my parents because his income could not suffice if we live on our own. I later found out that there were only two of us who got the job and thank god I was one of the two.
Nov 26, 2008
My friend comes home from Dubai
We have been friends since sixth grade and it’s true that friendship lingers on even if we don’t communicate often. Even if we have taken up different college degree in the past we went to the same school and still hang out often during our school days. After college we went our separate ways because of our career but our friendship is still there. When I think about it we have been friends for almost 18 years already. When we were still single we slept in each others house when we have time and it only stops when she got married. There was period of adjustment when she got married because she could not be with me most of the time, I know that family comes first. Now we both have two children and we don’t hang out anymore because she is working and living in Dubai. We have occasional emails and greet each other through yahoo messenger.
Nov 21, 2008
Trade shows is a must if you are starting a business
In your trade show booths you can display your products in a decorative manner so that you can attract buyers. You need pipe and drape on your booth and for added effect you might need banner stands and table skirts. Banner stand can also act as an advertising promotion.
Nov 20, 2008
What is Christmas for you?
Nov 18, 2008
Recycling a social responsibility to nature
How about waste solutions? There are many companies that use solvent to create their finish products and it is also a known fact that the wastes are also harmful to the environment. There is such a thing as solvent recycle. The solvent recycler utilizes distillation to separate a process solvent from its contaminant for reuse. The process consists of heating the mixture until the solvent reaches its vaporization point. Once the solvent vaporizes, it enters a condenser unit and then it cools down into liquid form leaving the contaminant behind. What is so great in these solvent recyclers is the volume of usable solvent from the mixture will nearly approach 99.9% and reach purity levels equal to virgin product. It is cost effective and at the same time we are exercising our social responsibility to nature.
Nov 14, 2008
A thought to Ponder 2
How does one react when the child grows up to be rebellious? What would you do if you were in that situation in the future? Please post your comments on your blog and let me know thanks.
Nov 13, 2008
Our rage makes us just like the Incredible Hulk

The story focuses on this young scientist escape from his adversaries who wanted his invention for biological weaponry. His scientific discovery is altering the DNA of the person administered with the chemical making the person hundred times stronger, much faster and having unsurpassed agility. The bad thing is that aside from transforming into a monster he gets his strength from his uncontrolled rage which is actually dangerous to anyone who comes his way. This 2nd installment is actually fun to watch because he has an adversary who equaled with his strength and ugliness whom they called abomination. Anyway to make the story short in the end Hulk annihilated his opponent and escaped again.
Well like hulk our rage engulfs us and turns us into a monster enabling us to crush the heart of anyone who comes our way. Uncontrolled rage is also one of leading cause of murder in our society today. I for one have experienced it and even if I never murdered anyone I have hurt anyone’s feeling who comes my way. Even if tongue lashing does not hurt the person physically it does wound the heart and leaves a scar that they can remember as long as they live. That is why I hate fighting it brings out the worst in me and makes me do or say things that I later regret. There is always a moral way to settle arguments without bickering and that’s what I am trying to install into my character to prevent guilt from torturing me again. It is always a must to control our rage and let it all out in a civilized manner and the only thing that can make it happen is to talk to our opponent in a soft spoken manner so as not to provoke them as well.
Nov 10, 2008
I have been tagged
A. Attached or single ? --- Attached
B. Best friend? --- Ron
C. Cake or pie? --- pie
D. Day of choice? --- Sunday
E. Essential item? --- computer
F. Favorite color? --- pink
G. Gummy bears or worms? --- worms
H. Hometown? --- Tagum city
I. Favorite indulgence? --- chocolate
J. January or July? --- January first month of the year(new hope and new challenges)
K. Kids? --- 2
L. Life isn't complete without? --- Jesus Christ and my family
M. Marriage date ? --- 10-15-05
N. Number of magazine subscriptions? - none
O. Orange or apple? --- orange
P. Phobias? ---- criminals, accidents
Q. Quotes? –All things work together for those who love god and are called for his purpose
R. Reasons to smile? ---thinking of God's blessings - my job, my family and friends
S. Season of choice? ---- summer
T. Tag 5 people - jonife, wenlopred,monliam,rose and poshpost
U. Unknown fact about me? - i am a jolly person
V. Vegetable ? --- moringa oliefera or malungay in tagalong, squash, okra and seaweeds.
W. Worst habit? --- I easily get worried
X. X-ray or ultrasound? - ultrasound
Y. Your favorite food(s)? – chocolate, dried fruits, adobo, pancit, malunggay soup, roasted chicken, Halo-halo and all kinds of fruits.
Z. Zodiac sign --- Aquarius
Nov 7, 2008
A thought to ponder#1
Having time to sort out our mind and feelings are very beneficial for us because it will affect our choices in life. Our choices can make or break our present and future lifestyle. So I am making a post every Friday entitled a thought to ponder and I’m inviting my friends to comment and link on it.
So to start of here is our reflection for today. What makes Christianity different from all the other religion in the world? You can also read on Timothy 3:4-7 for guidance. I know religion is the subject of most heated debates but there is no wrong answer here and your comments are highly appreciated.
Nov 4, 2008
Will you buy a PlayStation online?
As a mother I often bring my child with me in the mall to play video games. It’s our bonding time together during weekends. Our favorite game is car racing. I push the pedal while he stirs the wheel. We had so much fun together. It would be great if we have our own PlayStation so that his dad will also play with us. He has a busy schedule that is why he cannot play with his son. I will definitely buy a PlayStation3 in the near future if resources permit.
Nov 3, 2008
A Halloween to remember
We also have fun dressing our kids with a costume for their trick or treats because there was also a costume contest. I dressed my child with Chinese attire in the mano po movie because it suits him well because of his eyes that he inherited from my father. We had a Japanese blood in our veins on my father’s side of the family due to the Japanese occupation in the Philippines in the past.
It’s funny because I didn’t get my father’s eyes but my younger sister did and we don’t even look related. My sister and I don’t look alike at all. Although I get my fathers forehead and dimples I get most of my looks from my mom. This is also true to my son because he and his sister don’t look alike at all. My daughter gets most of her looks from me especially my eyes, nose and the shape of my face. So even when he was younger until now anyone who looks at my child ask me why he had those eyes and I always explained to them our lineage.
The party was so much fun because there were games and giveaways. At the end of the program the Jollibee mascot arrived and danced to the children’s delight. My child really likes Jollibee so he was very happy when Jollibee arrived that he pulled my hand to come nearer to the mascot. When the mascot finished his dance the children where ushered for a picture taking with him. So the mommies where very busy taking pictures with jollibee and their children. I shoot a picture of my child hugging Jollibee and it was a priceless sight looking at him smiling while looking at the mascot. After the party the children were lead to roam around the building clutching their goody bag for trick or treats. So there we were hiking from first floor to third floor leading our children to ask goodies to our colleagues. We had so much fun I hope next year’s Halloween will be as good as this.
Oct 29, 2008
How to remove baby's birthmark safely
It is a proven fact and today her daughter and my sister in law did not have a birthmark on her face. It should be noted that you can only erase the birthmark of your child when you started to lick on it while they were still a new born infant. Now I have also proven it because the birthmark of my child was also gone.
A birth mark will not cause a problem if it is not noticeable or if it is just in the body and can be hidden on their clothes. It can be a problem if it is spreading, growing or thickening. My first child has a birthmark too but it is just a small black spot on his left arm and it looks like a tattoo. The funny thing is that his aunt also has the same birthmark located on her right arm. I and my baby girl have the same birthmark located on the same spot and guess what it is located under our nose.
Oct 28, 2008
Baptismal Celebration
While we waited for the priest to arrive the sister told us the importance of baptism and also the relevance of choosing the right godparents for the child. She said that the godparents should be a living example for the child. She explained to us the meaning of the lighting of the candles, pouring of the holy water on the head of the child and the applying of the holy oil on their forehead.
My own understanding of baptism is that when my child will be baptized it would mean that the original sin of Adam and Eve will be washed out and she will start out in a new life.
I also do believe that in baptizing her she will be open to the graces of God and her angels will look after her and thru their guidance she will grow up to be a good person. It will also mean that she will be given my religion and she will belong to something other than us. She will also belong to a community of worshipers sharing a common faith.
Oct 17, 2008
My baby girl got sick
Last Saturday we were with her to take care of her health. His father also takes a leave of absence because of his upper respiratory tract infection. Our whole family is sick of this kind of disease while Zen and I have colds as well. Zen has fever for three days and I presumed that it was due to his cough and colds but I later found out that he had a viral infection and thank god he is okay now. It really helps that I have him immunized last September with IPD vaccine because he easily recovered with his upper respiratory tract infection. At his age it cost less than the I.P.D. vaccine for infants and the interval of the vaccine is three years.
I have my baby girl immunized with h.i.b. vaccine but it was still a first dose so maybe her immune system is still not good enough to fight diseases. I could not afford to have her immunized with I.P.D vaccine because at her age it’s very expensive at three dosage and two months interval.
She was discharged from the hospital just last Tuesday and right now she is still sick with upper respiratory tract infection. Her doctor advised us to have her inhale with a nebulizer whenever she has difficulty breathing. Right now she is on medication with ambroxol and antibiotics.
Sep 23, 2008
Having my baby girl
I have come to realize that the more you have kids the more your attention and time is divided to cater to their needs. I suppose that is what a woman’s purpose is to give love provide comfort and take care of her children and husband. Having all of them, my husband, my son and my daughter makes me happy and content. I just smile just thinking of them and even feel energized everyday. I also realized that having a family especially having children has given me a purpose and direction in life. When I was single I did not have a goal and I feel like I was just floating with no direction and purpose. Life is so unfulfilling if you live only for your self but when you live it for others it becomes meaningful and gives you purpose. To my understanding it also explains why congregation of different sects of religion survives to this day. It is a human condition to belong somewhere, to be needed and loved.
Sep 11, 2008
In the delivery room giving birth to my 2nd child
Labor begins on July 14, 2008 at 1:00 am. I was not sure that this could be it but I could not sleep because of the pain. Painful contractions come and go at 20 minutes interval then finally at 3:00 am the interval is already 10 minutes apart. At 5:00 am I text my father to give me a ride to the hospital at 8:00 am because it’s already very painful. At 5:30 am I called him to deliver me to the hospital right away because I felt the pain getting stronger. I was admitted in the hospital at 6:00 am and the doctor IE me to check the opening of my pelvic bone and she told me that it is still 3cm. I know that in order to deliver my baby the opening of my pelvic should be 10cm so it means it is not time yet. I was then brought to the labor room and wait for my personal doctor to arrive. I was admitted to a government hospital so as expected there are about ten pregnant women there awaiting there turn in the delivery room.
While there a gadget was fastened around my belly and I was asked to push on a button every time my baby moved. A midwife asked me personal questions to be filled up on my baby’s birth certificate. During that time the painful contractions got stronger and the interval got closer. Finally I was led to my bed while waiting for full term labor. While waiting I could not sleep because of the pain. I mean it is very painful unlike anything that I have experienced before. A student nurse assisted me during that time and when there were painful contractions I would put my hands on her arms and grip it just to lessen the pain that I am experiencing. I even asked to be sedated but they refused to do so because they have to wait for my personal doctor to arrive. So there I was bearing the pain and then finally there was little blood coming out of me. The painful contractions seem to be endless and there was no interval anymore just the pain until finally my water broke. During that time the resident doctor IE me and it turns out my pelvic was already 10cm fully dilated. I was moved to the delivery room and was told that my personal doctor is already coming.
I lay there in the most uncomfortable position that I ever have in my entire life. Fully conscious of what was happening to me. There were about 10 nurses and midwife including the resident doctor looking at my “you know what” while waiting for my doctor. My legs were widely spread apart and I was trembling because of the cold and the pain. My clothes were wet when my bag of water broke. Finally my doctor arrived and she told me that it is already time for me to give birth to my baby. Whenever my contractions come I push hard so that my baby will come out but it seems that I’m running out of breath. Each time I push harder I felt that I could not get her out of me. I’ve told myself that I should do this so that the pain will be over. One midwife helped me by putting pressure on my upper abdomen while I push then finally my baby come out of me. I felt relieved at last it’s over. I felt the needle while my doctor was stitching on my cut. I was then moved to my private room together with my baby. She was laid beside me and I could see her hands moving. I did not dare to sleep because I’m afraid that if I do she might fall. While we were on the way to my room I could overhear people say that my baby is cute. When we were already in the room I have seen my husband waiting there and I slept knowing that my baby is safe. I was admitted in the hospital at 6:00 am and gave birth to my baby at 10:15 am this four hours is one of the most memorable event in my life.
Sep 10, 2008
Back to work
Last Monday I went to work and it was my first time to wear our new company uniform and thank God it fits me well. Like my first child I have not gained so much weight so my colleagues kept telling me that I look like I have never been pregnant. My lady co-worker even told me that I looked good like I was still single.
As soon as I’ve given birth to my baby girl I have used beauty products again to remove discolorations on my skin and finally I have my hair done. It feels good to see my old self again. Every woman likes to look and feel beautiful and I’m not an exception. I like to use beauty creams on my face especially a product that can make my skin whiter, fairer and younger. I have to face it that I’m not getting any younger so as much as possible I want to protect my skin from harmful rays to prevent wrinkles. Also moisturizer is really beneficial in preserving the youthful glow of our skin as well as SPF.
When I was pregnant I have avoided beauty products because I know for a fact that it can be harmful to my child. Beauty products in the Philippines are all loaded with whitening ingredients because that is what most women and man want. These products include whitening soaps, toners, moisturizers and lotions. I mean even underarm deodorants have whitening properties. So when I was pregnant I only use a mild soap and mild deodorants. I don’t even use make up or face powder the only thing I put on my face is a lipstick.
Jul 4, 2008
At 9 months pregnant and on Maternity leave
Starting monday I will have my Maternity leave, meaning I will be in our home until September taking care of my toddler and soon my baby girl. I hope my friends will still visit my blog even if it is still not updated until then. I'll miss you all..Take care and hope you will pray for me and my baby.
Jul 1, 2008
Could there be a world war III?
Another question is why do national leaders and presidents do this and decide to make war among nations? There is still a simple answer that is just human nature; they are just like us the only big difference is that they have the biggest responsibility that their choices and decisions can affect a whole nation. Their decision can affect a million people. Like us they are not exempted from human error. They are not exempted from anger, frustrations, greed and pride. So let’s just hope that the next time they make decisions they will think of their constituent before anything else.
Jun 30, 2008
Dealing with anger
How do you deal with anger? Some people whine, shout, cry or do terrible things but who do you think gets hurt in the end? Well it is still the one who gets angry. We may shout that life is unfair but does it change anything. Well nothing can really hurt you but yourself. Acceptance is the only key to this dilemma. Acceptance that you are not omnipotent but you are just one of the characters in a story called life. Accept life as it is and do what you can to change what you can. Just remember you can’t change anyone the only thing you can change is yourself. You can’t change the weather for one thing and certainly you can’t change someone because believe it or not they have a choice of their own. Their personality is a product of their life’s experiences, upbringing and even their inherited genes. Look at life positively; change the things that you can and accept the things or situation that you can’t change.
Jun 29, 2008
Marriage, Career and Motherhood
Marriage is one of my goals in life, why? It gives me a sense of direction and purpose. It’s a feeling that you belong to a family of your own and it offers me security and contentment. It is a feeling that at the end of the day you have someone to go home to and give you love and comfort. Motherhood makes marriage even better because a child binds you together even more. I noticed that a child can lessen stress in marriage especially in our relationship.
Balancing marriage, career and motherhood is not always easy but it can be done. When you are working you have to focus your mind in your work and do it well. When you go home you have to forget your work and focus your attention to your family. I’m a working mom so I don’t get to be with my child from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm five days a week so I make it a point to go straight home. I also noticed that when you spend quality time with your child it really matters. I have to feed him dinner and watch TV with him afterwards give him his good night hot bath and we sleep together. We have fun having pillow fights and I give him his nightly aromatic massage. In the morning when he wakes up he comes to our bed to lay with me and his papa for awhile and I hug and kiss him. I feed and bathe him before I go to work every morning. It becomes a routine for us. In this way he still feels me and my love for him.
In marriage the most important thing is communication, endearment and physical connection. Your career and motherhood takes your time away from your husband but quality time spent is more important than quantity. A simple call and text will do just to remind him that you are thinking of him. A kiss and hug every day is enough to make him feel that I love him. I make it a habit to say “I love you” in the morning and say it again in the evening when we went home from work.
Jun 28, 2008
Sudarshan Kriya – Breathing technique
It’s quite true that thoughts and emotions have a powerful impact on the brain, affecting endocrine and the immune system. Chemical messengers called neuropeptides are released with each emotion. So a positive emotion affects the body in a positive way, improving resistance to disease and well-being. As always stress is a culprit to certain diseases so it’s important to fight it. Usually stress comes to us if we think to much of our future and the outcome of what we are doing today. We need to relax and be positive that everything will be okay. That is why I also like yoga exercises although it is entirely different to Sudarshan Kriya. One of its similarity is it promotes peace and relaxation.
Jun 27, 2008
Finally my 36th weeks
Jun 24, 2008
Pregnancy at the 8th month
What I always dreaded about my pregnancy is that after 36th weeks my doctor will already perform IE and for me it’s the most painful and uncomfortable procedure aside from giving birth and pop smear in pregnancy. IE is a procedure where the doctor inserts her hand into your cervix to measure if it is already fully dilated. At 10 cm wide it is the right time to give birth to your baby. In my first child I have experienced my first IE and it’s very painful that I bleed a little and after two days my water broke and I give birth to my baby. I was administered with a medicine to induce childbirth because it would take to long for me to give birth naturally.
Anyway, even if I’m afraid I have to face this because there is no other way to get my baby and besides every mother have experienced it. My mother once told me that when you give birth to your baby it is like having your other feet buried six feet below the ground because just one mistake and you are dead. She told me that and I have four siblings so even if she knows the risks she still did it.
Jun 11, 2008
Strengthen your heart
You have to eat right the easiest way is to remove saturated fats also known as fats from animals in your diet and load up on vegetables and fruits. You can also eat oats because this fiber is proven to wash out bad cholesterol in our system. Drink plenty of water it helps maintain your body’s right ph. Did you know that dehydration and high levels of acidity in your body is a symptom of innumerable diseases?
Try to relax and don’t let stress get into you. You can try to take up a hobby, exercise program, meditate and relax or get yourself a pet. It will draw your focus toward affection and caring. You also need to have a regular exercise program. I can honestly say that I liked yoga because it’s stretching and breathing exercises helps me acquire balance. The meditation also helps calm my nerves and expel stress. A way to strengthen our heart muscles is to exercise so just make sure that you like your exercise program so you can stick to it.
Jun 1, 2008
My top ten list of father’s day gifts
1. Wrist Watch – You can choose a watch that can match up to their personality or it also depends on what occasion that they choose to wear a watch.
2. Neck tie – Choose color and design that match their work and interest, Don’t forget their favorite color
3. Perfume – I specially like a combination of musk and citrus scents but anyway choose a scent that you know they will absolutely like. Don’t forget they like scents that a woman would also compliment on.
4. Belt – I like leather belts, It looks good on anything and It’s classy too. Brown or black would complement any clothes. Combination of black and brown will also be classy.
5. Leather Wallet – Looks good and beneficial.
6. Cell Phone – It’s pretty expensive but I’ve receive this gift from my husband and it feels so good to receive this kind of gift. It’s quite useful too.
7. Handkerchiefs
8. Polo Shirt
9. White Shirts or White sleeveless shirts – He can use this every day
10. Brief or Boxer shorts
Don’t forget the most precious gift that you can give them is your time, love and affection. Actually hugs and kisses will do.
May 30, 2008
Upload or watch sermons online
May 29, 2008
Love Q #5
Well, I think it really depends on who made the invitation. If the lady invited the man then she should initiate to pay but generally if the man is a gentleman and likes the girl romantically he will pay for their meal. If they are just plain friends they will pay their own meal regardless of who initiated the invitation. If a man invited a woman for a date then he would pay for their meal because he wanted to please his date. If he doesn’t pay for their meal then he blew his chance of dating her again. Honestly my impression of a man who will invite me for a date and expects me to pay for our meal is that he is a cheapskate and it will definitely be our first and last date.
May 28, 2008
Beauty Fixes found in your kitchen
Whitening Mask
Mix powdered milk with fresh lemon juice and leave the paste on your face for 10 minutes.
Detoxifying Body and Foot scrub
Mix honey with fine salt and gently rub in circular motion to your body and feet. Wash off after five minutes.
Moisturizing Facial Mask
Mix two tablespoons of mashed avocado with a tablespoon of honey and egg yolk. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
Face Mask for oily skin
Mix oatmeal and water and apply on face. Leave on to dry and remove by gently rubbing off with fingers.
Relaxing bath soak
Mix 1 cup of water with 2 cups of milk and put to a boil. Then add honey to hot mixture. Mix ½ cup of fine sea salt and baking soda. Add some vanilla to mixture. Place in bath water and feel the calming soothing benefit of this relaxing bath.
Cooling astringent
Mash cucumber and use the juice as an astringent apply on to face using a cotton ball. You can gently massage the pulp for a cooling and soothing effect.
Conditioner for dry hair
Massage mayonnaise unto dry hair and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Shampoo after and rinse off with apple cider vinegar and water solution.
Relax and enjoy.
May 27, 2008
Common problems in pregnancy at 7th month
At this stage I also noticed I easily get tired and out of breath especially when I climb the stairs to our office. My leg cramps also got worse especially at night when I stretch them. Also I can already felt the weight of my baby because of my backache and the pressure whenever she moved inside my wound. I can now easily see and feel her movement inside me. I have difficulty in my movements during this stage especially when I took care of my toddler because he is very active and playful I can’t seem to catch up anymore. It is also not easy to bathe and feed him the way I used to because my bulging tummy gets in the way. When I bathe him I squat and cautiously maintain my balance and also it’s harder to put him on my lap when I feed him because he would lean on my belly. Anyway I trained him to sit on the chair at meal time so that it will be much easier for the both of us.
May 23, 2008
Is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?
It is when we care for that someone that we wanted to be involved in their life because we want what’s best for them. Sometimes we forget that they have a mind of their own and it is still their life and in the end it is still their decision that matters. It is also true that people just change their mind including their heart in loving someone. There are factors for these but the person who knows the reason is the one who have a change of heart.
These could be acceptable if there is still no marriage but once married it is a different story. The vow that the couples exchanged on their matrimonial ceremony is a pact for life. It is a decision that mirrors the person doing the contract and they must mean what they said during that day and their commitment must stay even if the feelings change. If love is just a feeling it is not considered true and it could just be lust and sexual attraction.
Now let’s get back to the main point why it is much better to love and lost than to never to have loved at all? I could not imagine my life without love because first of all I was born out of love. My parents loved each other and decided to have a family to love and cherish. Having me as a child brought them joy just like what my son has given me. So if my mother was a coward and decided not to marry my father then she could not have experienced the joy and the pain of motherhood. The joy and the pain of loving and be loved by someone who means the most to us. Although it may not last forever but what matters most is that we experienced it in our lifetime.
What I mean by this is I understand that we only have one lifetime to live when we die what will become of us? If we are Christians it is written in the bible that if we are faithful we will be given eternal life to live and serve the lord. It is also clearly stated in the Holy Scriptures that the eternal life that will be given to us will be different from that of our life here on earth. Entirely different that we will no longer need a husband or a wife, or a son or a daughter but we will live as one family of God.
May 22, 2008
Accidents happen
Last March I have also seen a motor accident when we were on our way to the hospital for my son’s check-up. I see a man carrying an unconscious boy soaking on his own blood into a public vehicle. When we were in the emergency room in the hospital waiting for my son’s doctor (her clinic was closed on a Sunday) we found out that the boy aged approximately 10-13yrs. old was also taken there and I could see her mother hysterically crying. A four wheeler truck and their motor vehicle have collided on the road. They said that an uncle and the boy were riding on their motorcycle when his uncle took a wrong turn. Sad to say that when his uncle found out about his miscalculation he jump away from the motorcycle leaving the boy behind. So the outcome the four wheeler truck also unaware of the impending obstruction hit the motorcycle with the boy in it. We also find out later that day that the boy died of multiple internal organ injuries.
Accidents happen when we are not taking precautions and we take a wrong turn or make miscalculations in our driving. We may also be driving too fast that we may not be able to foresee obstruction on our path and when we do it’s too late to stop. Sadly some vehicles are just a victim of other driver’s inaccuracy, it just happen that it was in the vicinity when the miscalculation occurs.
May 16, 2008
Staying Power
The doctors in the institution tried everything they can to help him but to no avail, until he was asked to stack up old books there. He was just doing what he was told and stacks the books on the shelf when a name caught his attention. A book by Dr. Fosdick interested him because he met this man before in his childhood years. He read his book entitled ‘The power to see it through every day until he came to the chapter entitled “staying power.”
It states that staying power is always associated with a certain integrity of conscience. Whatever else life may give or deny, one thing is absolutely indispensable – that a man should not break faith with himself; that he should keep his honor bright in his own eyes. He realized that he blamed himself for what had happened. He drowned in self-pity and broke faith with himself. The book also states that “Staying power is always associated with something greater than oneself, to which one gives loyalty – an object of devotion. He also realized that he has became selfish in just thinking of himself he forgot that his son had also experienced the tragedy but choose to continue on with life. He finally realized that he was such a coward to lock himself up. He decided to volunteer for a job in their local library and live his life again. This time he has no intention to earn more money but to continue living with a renewed purpose. When someone ask him if he will return to the mental institution again? He said that it will never ever happen because he will not break faith with himself and will always keep his honor bright in his own eyes.
Nowadays you will hear news about people who just give up on life and commits suicide. Whatever is their reason there is always hope and I wish that they will realize that they are not the only people who experience hardships and trials. There are people who experienced far worst in life but they remain steadfast and faithful. It is quite true that people became unwavering in the test of life if they have dedicated their life to others because they will think of the people that depended on them. Their main concern is the outcome of those people who needed them if they are already gone in this world.I am not here to judge but people who usually commits suicide are selfish because they only think about themselves.
“ A vital faith in God gives a man internal power, a spiritual vision from which divine companionship he draws replenished strength” taken from a book “The power to see it through” by Dr. Fosdick.
“All things work together for those who love God and are called for his purpose” taken from the bible Romans 8:28.
May 15, 2008
Our decisions and the path that we choose determines our life
He told me that he was in love with his girlfriend now and he is just wondering if she feels the same. Well I can’t answer his question because the person he should be asking is the girl. He asked me again “can long distance love affair work?” I told him that it really depends how much you trust the person because I cannot say that it won’t work or it can work out. I have a female friend and her husband works abroad and they are still together and I also know someone, her husband works abroad and now they are separated. You can never really know what will be the outcome of your relationship because people have a mind of their own and you can’t dictate their actions and that is just the risk you have to take.
I told him that he has some trust issues and I asked him frankly if he is insecure. My brother’s life is really complicated because he has been married before and he has one son. He has a problem with trusting his wife and frankly I can’t do anything about it because I can’t change his views. I know his wife because they lived with us during the early stage of their married life and I can’t say that she was unfaithful. Anyway I can’t also say that my brother was wrong with his views because I was not in his shoes. I know how she tried to save their relationship because my brother doesn’t have a regular job that pays well. She has to spend her earnings for their needs as a family from providing milk to my nephew to paying for the babysitter. Anyway to make this story short they have tried to save their relationship more than once but in the end they have parted ways. I don’t think they will ever be together again but who knows. I felt sad for our nephew but I can’t do anything about it. It’s not my life and whatever I say to my brother it is still his life and I can’t make choices for him.
Right now my brother stays the same, without a regular job and without a family of his own. He still lives with my parents. He has a job but it is not a stable company and he always complained about it. I tried to help him out in finding a well - paying job to the point of searching job opportunities on the internet and cutting pages on the classified ads on our local news but still he does not apply to any of them.
He told me that he is tired with his life and he wanted to settle down with his new girl friend. I told him to fix his marriage legally otherwise it would be impossible to marry his girl. I also told him to find a regular job to provide financially and stability to his new relationship. I hope he will change for the better and make the right choices to fix his life but unfortunately it was not mine to decide.
Update on my brother's career he already got a regular job.
May 14, 2008
Send a gift for Baby Marianne
May 13, 2008
7th Month - Expecting my baby girl
Our doctor told us that we are so lucky to have her and indeed we are truly blessed to have children. I’m so excited to see her and at last I’m going to name her Marianne. I have told everyone that I was having a baby girl and they were all glad and told me that I’m so lucky. We already have her clothes and crib thanks to my sister for providing these things. Her baby is already 11 months old and no longer needed it. We have decided to add another bed in our room because we want our children to sleep with us. We only want two children to rear because we want them to share our love fully. It is so hard to raise more than two children nowadays because of our economy so we thought this is a wise decision. Money really matters in raising children because you have to provide for their needs especially when they will get to school. So we are just planning ahead.
May 12, 2008
Love Q
He has complied with all of these so we became what we are today. In the past four years that we have been together I cannot say that our marriage life was perfect. There also comes a time when I wanted to give up on us because of what I have gone through with him. I have experience heartache and failed expectations but still I kept my promise to God and to him to stay together as what we have exchanged in our marriage vows. I cannot say that I was happy all the time but I cannot also say that I was unhappy because life is like that it has ups and down. I have fully understood that we are only human and we have weaknesses and frailties. It helps that I use my heart in marrying him because I learn to forgive and accept him for what he truly is including his shortcomings and I can honestly say that I love him dearly and my love for him still stays the same. I can sincerely attest that having children really helps in strengthening our relationship because they are the first thing that comes to my mind whenever we are tested.
Apr 30, 2008
International Linkages
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Join the Worldwide Link Love!Benefits of Worldwide Link Love!
1. Make new friends around the world.
2. Feel the Link Love.
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1. Copy from ~* start copying here *~ to ~* end copying here *~ and paste it on your blog.
2. At the end of the list, put your name and the country your in, it doesn’t matter what’s your nationality just put the country where you are publishing your blog. Don’t forget to put links at your name.
3. If you have many blogs, you can link all of it, just make sure you post the same on each blog.
4. Tag eight or more of your blog friends.
5. Tip for blogspot* users: make sure you copy and paste the code in Compose mode.
Worldwide Link Love! Participants
1. Julia (Philippines)
2. Catherine (Malaysia)
3. shimumsy(u.s.a)
4. Mitch (Philippines)
5. Hailey (Philippines)
6. Sexymom (USA)
7. Liza (Philippines)
8. Geng (Philippines)
9. SunnySideUp Foodie (Singapore)
10. Caramelcorn (Singapore)
11. Constance (Singapore)
12. Hainankia (Malaysia)
13. Read my Mind (Philippines)
14. joanjoyce (Philippines)
15. buhay sa korea (Korea)
16. Pinay Myeoneuri (Korea)
17. Elliot (Philippines)
18. Raine (Philippines)
19. Annz (Philippines)
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I'm tagging Joni, Poshpost and pinaymommy
Apr 29, 2008
To my fellow bloggers and friends
Apr 28, 2008
Extreme variation of poverty to riches
Everything that we do has a trade off or exchange. People get what they want by trading something for it. If they work abroad they will trade off their time for family and friends. Here In our city you will notice that some huge beautiful houses are owned by a Japayuki (Filipino entertainers or workers in Japan) while some are owned by people who are working abroad or who have married a foreigner I would like to clarify when I said some, because not all Japayukis have a property worth millions. I asked several of these women why and they said that you could not get millions by your salary alone. So it would mean that it would require you to do some extra efforts to get more tips from your mostly male costumers. There are also some huge beautiful houses worth millions that are owned by well-known successful businessmen or women.
Let’s get to the most interesting part, today I just read on our local news and it upsets me that some families are homeless and every night they will sleep on the park. I often wondered why there is a vast variation of poverty to that of the well-offs. I cannot say that opportunities are only given to some people and life has a way of choosing which one to give blessings to. The air we breathe and the life we have are already blessings and a chance to alter our life. I have seen the movie “the pursuit of happiness” it is so inspiring because it narrates about the true story of a once homeless man who became rich. I have seen his courageous efforts, his firm determination and the risk he take to get what he wanted. Truly Self-confidence and our life’s decisions can get us to where we want to be. There are countless stories of people who have nothing in the beginning and who have something in the end. My grandmother’s story is one of this and I think I’m going to bore my readers by narrating her story here. So the main point of this post is we are the ones who make our life, situation can hamper us but we are the ones who can stop the journey of our life. Life can close its door on us but we can open the window and if there is no window we can always dig a hole for our way out.
Apr 24, 2008
At 6th month pregnant
On the 1st month I noticed that I crave for barbecued chicken liver and I easily get cough and colds. I also observed that I like to sleep a lot. I have my medical check-up during this month but the baby’s heartbeat is still not visible so my OB-Doctor advised me for an ultrasound. It was in February on my birthday that I decided having the ultrasound. The baby is already at its’ 3rd month and I can see its’ heart moving with every beat on the monitor. It is my first sight of my baby and I can’t explain how it feels like, all I know is my happiness is beyond compare. Its’ gender is still not visible according to the doctor so I still don’t have any idea.
At the 6th month I have my medical check up just last Saturday and I have heard my baby’s heartbeat and it moves inside my womb as my Doctor inspected my belly. My Doctor smiled as she feels it moving and upon hearing its’ heartbeat she told me that the vital signs of the baby is very good. She injected me with anti-tetanus vaccine and prescribed Daflon that I should take in one month for my varicose veins. She also advised me to have another ultrasound next month.
Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification
Apr 23, 2008
My toddler learns to say mama
Every morning when he wakes up I smiled at him and he smiles back at me. I ask him how his sleep was and he kisses me and I also tell him to kiss his papa and he does. Having a child is the best gift life has given me and I thank God everyday for this.
Apr 21, 2008
Self-Healing facts
Vitamin c is needed to maintain healthy skin and avoid scurvy and since Vitamin C is water soluble there is no real overdose because it can be released through our urine within an hour. It is also proven to boost our immune system and prevent mild infections like colds. Another point to remember Vitamin A is our best protection from cancer.
The human body is also capable of self healing provided that you have a healthy lifestyle. It is said that our lifestyle can cause or prevent a disease. In prevention natural medicine may enhance a person’s general health and longevity. These are the factors that contribute to greater well-being: Stress management, high-nutrition diet, exercise and a proactive health regimen.
The main food of the brain is glucose that comes from carbohydrates. Other food for the brain are fruits, vegetables, Poultry (lean meat) dried beans (legumes and peanuts), walnuts and almonds, fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, shellfish); and fish oil capsules. Limit consumption of the following: sugar, sodium, processed foods.
Fight depression by eating more fish. Moods are directly influenced by fish oil. High levels of fish oil like Omega 3 fatty acids in the blood resulting from eating more fish lead to high levels of serotonin. Serotonin is a feel good hormone released by the brain
Apr 18, 2008
Of Life and death
Life has really a way of replacing the old with the new. Just this month his cousin and his sister-in-law gave birth to baby girls. If we don’t have a religion we might never have an idea where do souls of the dead go and where the souls of new born came from. Then again it is just one of the mysteries of life and since we are to busy dealing with our day to day living we don’t have time to know everything about it. If we have time we may never really solve life’s mystery while we are still alive and the only way we know about it is when death comes to us. If that happens the mystery of life ends with us because we can’t tell anyone about it, because dead people don’t talk to the living. If they do no one still believes anyway.
Apr 9, 2008
Banana shake
1 cup peeled and sliced bananas
2 cups crushed ice
½ cup simple syrup( equal parts of sugar and water, heated until sugar dissolves)
½ cup milk
2 tbsp. chocolate syrup
Place all ingredients except chocolate syrup in a blender. Blend until mixture forms a thick icy slush.
Swirl chocolate around inner walls of a shake glass. Pour shake into a glass and serve with a straw.
Bangus Salad
Made from sweet potatoes and mixed with smoked bangus
25g Kamote, Yellow
25g Kamote, Violet
25g Baguio beans
25 g tomato
15 g shallots
½ pc red egg
75g bangus fillet
5g iodized salt
5 g ground black pepper
50 g lettuce (lolo Rossa)
75 g Vinaigrette sauce
Vinaigrette Sauce
200g corn oil
20 g garlic
5 g iodized salt
5 g ground black pepper
20 g vinegar
Mix all boiled vegetables together with chopped shallots and add half a cup of vinaigrette sauce, season with salt and pepper and serve on a bed of lettuce
Parent's Responsibility
It was the time I felt so helpless because my mother takes care of me in the hospital to the extent of changing my diapers. I don’t want that to happen to me because I always want to be independent but sometimes life could be harsh just to prove a point.
We always need guidance and the person who knows best is the ones who experience life before us. I have read on the news and seen on TV, stories of rebellious and misguided teenagers and reading on their profile I realize that they have become like this because their parents are just too busy to provide them everything material. It is always a responsibility of the parent to provide for their children’s needs but sometimes they overlook the most important part. Attentions, affection, touch of endearment and guidance these are the most important elements of raising a child. I remembered when I was still in high school when my papa comes home everyday he always look for me and hug me tight this only took him just one minute and even for just a little of his time I felt his love. Even today when I come to visit their home he would still embrace me and my child and ask me how I was and it still means a lot to me.
I have done this to my child and to my spouse as well. Everyday when I came home from work I make it a habit to embrace them just to make them feel that I love them dearly. I am also certain that my child will learn from this and will also shape his character into a loving person.
Taking care of my toodler
Zen is still learning to talk and there are times when he talks to me in words that I just could not understand. I just take note on his body movements in particular to where he points an object or in other times he holds my hand and leads me to where that object is. I also notice that when he wants to go out he would say “shoes?” and pick up his shoes and pull my hand. That would mean he wants to wear his shoes and go out of the house. As much as possible I make it a point not to spank him if he has done something wrong instead I tell him that what he is doing is wrong in a strong and serious manner. I firmly believe that a child learns in a manner of experience. I want my child to be fearless in the future and never afraid to learn and to discover the goodness of life. I read about this phrase in my mom’s house, she put the frame in the living room.
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If a child lives with security he learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship he learns to find love in the world.
It rings true for me and I plan to raise my child this way.
Mar 18, 2008
A tribute to my loving husband
It’s really alarming when I heard of failed marriages that’s been built for more that 10 years and I’ve publish these thoughts about you now to always remember your goodness and to be reminded always of the things that you have done to our young family.
Now that I’ve been pregnant my husband has perform almost all of the household chores from cooking to doing the laundry and I have not heard him complain. He never smokes and never goes out drinking beer. Now that his doing the night shift in his job he goes home at 1:00 am just to be with us because he knows that I will go to work early in the morning. He takes care of our toddler when I go to work because we don’t have a babysitter.
I have realized that when a wife is angry with her husband she learns to forget all of his goodness and focuses more of his frailties, as much as possible I don’t want to be like that in the future.
“You are to me the most handsome guy that I have fallen in love with and am always filled with glee in anticipation that I will come home to you everyday. I’m so glad that you became my husband and I have not regretted doing so. Now that we have not enough riches in the world to live in a mansion and to go to exciting places I still am in love with you. Even if sometimes we run out of money to spend I still feel the same. "
"I have seen your reassuring smile that everything will be okay and that gives me the assurance and belief that we can still get through this. Your care, smile, support, respect, acceptance, trust and love have made me a better person. Thank you for everything. “
Reminder to everyone:
English is my second language so bear with me if my grammar, as well as sentence and paragraph construction is faulty. I am not writing to impress but simply to express my thoughts.
The opinion written here is solely mine and I have no intention to impose it to anyone for that matter. So as the title goes this is just my perception