Nov 24, 2009
I prefer not to dream
Nov 19, 2009
I feel for Jinkee
Oct 29, 2009
Whale shark dies in Manila Bay
Fishermen found the largest fish in the planet known as the whale shark dying on
Oct 27, 2009
Trouble sleeping?

There are a number of things you can do to have a relaxing sleep at night such as reading your favorite book or magazine, watching your favorite movie and drinking a glass of milk. I hope you know that the very thing that can give you a good night sleep is a cozy, comfortable bed just like the one I’ve posted here. I think Platform Beds are a good investment if you really value a good night sleep. You can view the above link for valuable idea on purchasing the right bed for your bedroom. The highest quality of fiber or foam is what makes a durable, comfortable and soft bed that will ensure a good night sleep. Anyway don’t forget to say a little prayer before sleeping it always relieves stress and drives your worries away.
My baby girl’s dancing moves
I’ve noticed that my baby girl likes to watch mix music television and dance with the music. She likes to dance to the tune of genie by girls generation, a Korean girl group. She also like to watch wowowie on tv and dance with the ASF dancers particularly luningning and mariposa. My baby girl is now 1yr and 3 months and she already likes to peek a boo with me and her brother. I can just remember when she was still a little baby and now she has already grown up. When she dances, she sways her hips from side to side and waves her little arms as well. She would also like to spin around while dancing but I always stop her because I know she would become dizzy.
Oct 26, 2009
Is it time for you to get another domain?
If your answer is yes then you might want to visit this site about web hosting. The site has updated review on top ten web hosting service and I think this is very useful if you are searching for a new web hosting service. These top ten web hosting service for 2009 includes free domain registration and a 30 day money back guarantee. For the information of everyone the providers were ranked by these following qualities, host reliability, key features, customer support, past and current feed backs, user-friendliness and as well as bonus features. If you wanted to know more about these top ten web-hosting providers you might want to check out the link above.
This site also has useful information on creating your blog. I have read about web hosting service on their blog. It has useful information on the advantages of a paid web hosting over free web hosting service . You might want to check on the link for more information. In my opinion it is okay to choose a free web hosting service if you are starting out but you have to be wise in doing so. You must choose a web hosting service that has friendly and easy to maneuver systems, programs and make sure that there are no pop up advertising. Pop up advertising can be very annoying to your visitors so it is best to avoid it If you want to really earn seriously you must be able to buy the domain of that web-hosting service in the near future.
Unleash your creative mind
I’ve just been thinking do you think life is fair? I’ve seen people who are very poor and in contrast I’ve also seen rich people living in the same neighborhood particularly on our new home. I cannot also say that all those people who became rich came from rich parents because that is not always the case. When I’ve heard and have seen people who have been down there and I’m quite glad that they have become rich because they can be a good example to those who aren’t. They are a living example that people can rise out of poverty.
Anyway in my opinion everyone is given a chance to improve their life. It is only in using the available resources and grasping the opportunity that comes our way that we can somehow improve our way of living. What I’ve written here seems to be so easy because everyday we come across resources and opportunities but not everyone can really recognize it. One example is the true story of a former barber who became rich because of his invention of a liquid solution that can remove skin warts for aesthetic purpose. Well, according to him, one day he just remembered her mother telling him that the cashew nut can scald the skin because its sap can create heat. This gave him an idea and the rest is history. Anyway to make everything clear you don’t have to get a degree to be rich, all you have to do is to unleash your creative mind to be able to create something that everyone can use.
Oct 21, 2009
Free Downloads on the net
Do you like to watch movies and listen to music? If you do, then would you like to have free downloads on these? I’ve recently viewed a torrents download on the net with lots of valuable downloads such as movies, music, software, e-books and games. If you don’t have any idea what a torrent file is then I’ll tell you about what I know. A torrent file can be thought of as a bookmark to a file that is stored on the hard drives of many users around the globe.
When you open a torrent file, you begin downloading different parts of the file from everyone who is sharing it. When you begin to download the file, another user will start to download pieces of the file from your computer. Torrents are a great way to download music, movies and whatever else you want from the net. In opening Torrent files select the program Bittorrent or whatever program from the list and don’t forget to use virus scan and enjoy.
We moved
Finally our housing loan mortgage was approved and we have finally decided to move into my family boarding house. The unit that we took needs major improvement because apparently the former owner of the foreclosed unit has destroyed the house. The house was totally ruined with no ceiling and partitions as well as plumbing and electrical wiring. So since we still don’t have the resources to build our dream house we decided to move to my family’s boarding house because we could not afford to rent an entire house like we use to since the monthly amortization of our housing loan has already started.
My family has been adjusting to this situation because as of this moment we are sharing the house with my parent’s boarders unlike before where we have rented an entire house for ourselves. Right now we are occupying three rooms, one for my family, one for the housemaid and one entirely for our stuffs. We are sharing the living room, the kitchen and the comfort room with the boarders. If our other loans will be paid that would be about 4 years from now, we are planning to build our dream house by acquiring another loan.
Sep 16, 2009
It is hard to discipline a child
I've been so busy lately because as you all know I am working and when I come home I still have to prepare for dinner while taking care of my two toddlers. My baby girl is now already One year and three months old and as usual she is so curious with her surrounding that she wanted to taste everything that interest her. It is at this stage that she is already active in exploring our place. She wanted to roam around the house touching everything that comes her way and put everything she can grasp inside her mouth. That is why I have to sweep the floor so often to make everything clean. My son is already 3 yrs and eight months old right now and his behavior is a major adjustment to me. I think it is so hard to discipline a child and there are major issues that you have to look into. In the past as children we were spank with leather belt by our parents as a form of punishment and I know how it hurts during that time. I even have a scar in my right leg that reminds me of the pain and at an early age I could not remember what I have done to have that punishment. I think there are other options to discipline a child other than that kind of punishment but sometimes it is so hard not to do the traditional way of doing it. I think speaking to him at eye level would do and in a firm way but the must important thing is to have an enormous amount of patience. It is hard for me because I really don't like hearing him cry because when he wanted something he would ask for it over and over again. I'm telling him to stop trying to hurt his sister but for him, it is just some kind of a game. I hope there would be some kind of training to mothers like me in the right way of disciplining a child because the how we train a child will surely affect the formation of their character and I know that it can affect him psychologically. |
Aug 25, 2009
The best dedicated server for your site
Aside from providing valuable information on the best dedicated servers available for webmasters to choose from the site also have important information regarding tips on website development and SEO on their blog. I have read a useful article on how to invest on a domain name. It provides useful tips on choosing the best domain name for your site such as using a domain name that has longevity and will stay relevant regardless of the trend. It also states that choosing .com because it is the most popular top level domain so securing the extension should be the first move. Don’t forget that choosing a domain name that is easy to remember and powerful is the best advice ever.
The million pesos meal
Another controversy for the President is raising rage among her people. Amidst the financial crisis of the Filipino people the President is seen eating in a posh restaurant in the
Aug 13, 2009
Dining Table for our new house

Aug 5, 2009
Baby girls with 2 heads and I body

Aug 4, 2009
Allergy from the sun
Once you know the substance that can trigger this allergy, you should completely avoid using it. Be aware that this substance can be a component of soap or cosmetics or anything being applied to the skin or in the medications that you are taking. Avoid sun exposure, especially while the active compound that triggered your allergy is still present. Before going out, apply sunscreen lotion to all exposed parts of your body.
Aug 3, 2009
Goodbye to former President Aquino

A(h1n1) is closer to home

I think aside from the immunizations we need to eat nutritious food and take up vitamin supplements to strengthen our immune system. If we prepare for this disease we will not be taken for surprise and we sill not regret whatever happens because we have done all the precautionary measures to protect our family no matter what.
Jul 24, 2009
Friday Reflections: You are not alone

What I learned from prayer is that you don’t always get what you want but in the end you will know that you get what is best for you. It also helps me to accept the things that I could not change and to change the things that I can. I also learn to surrender my will to the will of God, especially to the things or circumstances that I could not change. I think it is through admitting that we are not omnipotent that we learn to trust in God.
I’m very grateful to my father for teaching me to pray and for believing that my prayers will be answered. When I was young my father always asked me to pray for his petitions because he made me believe that God answers little girl’s prayers and I did. When I got older it was already instilled in my mind to pray always for other people’s petitions especially if they request it from me. I even joined in prayer groups when I was still single but nowadays I don’t have time to pray in a group anymore. Motherhood demands so much from me. I guess I have my hands full for taking care of my two children and maintaining my career. Nowadays, I still pray either alone or together with my toddler and my husband.
Jul 22, 2009
Butt augmentation done badly
I think this news is really terrible because the public thought that Belo Medical Group is a trusted beauty clinic. This clinic was also endorsed by prominent showbiz personalities in this country. This only proves that in beauty procedures there are always risks involve and you’ll just hope that you are not one of those people who will get beauty disasters in the end.
Jul 21, 2009
Scents for your home and your body

Aside from using aromatherapy products for my house I also like using it to my body. I use aromatic oil at night before going to sleep because it helps me sleep better. I also applied aromatherapy oil on my toddler at night because I observed that he sleeps well every time I massage his chest and back. I specially liked citrus scented oil and lavender scents. Aromatherapy products are mostly organic and I think organic body care is a greater option in choosing products for your skin because its ingredients are derived from nature. Speaking of organic products, you can always visit bath and body stores like sabon NYC in their store you can choose from different products that will suit your needs.
Jul 17, 2009
Friday Reflections: Déjà vu

Truck rims
Jul 16, 2009
Kitchen appliances every wife should have
I really like to cook and I also compile delicious recipes. I hope one day I may be able to create and cook them all. I have so many Filipino dishes that I cook and serve to my family. My favorites are pork in tamarind broth, pork adobo and beef steak. I also like to make and serve desserts such as mango float and Leche Flan. These desserts are very delicious and easy to prepare. Leche Flan or commonly called caramel custard is made from egg yolk and evaporated milk. It is prepared with soft caramel on top covered with aluminum foil and cooked in the steamer.
Jul 14, 2009
Happy1st Birthday to my baby girl
Jul 13, 2009
Bridal shower favors for your wedding

My baby girl's 1st birthday celebration

Jul 10, 2009
Painting from India

Friday Reflections: How a tree grows

I have also been thinking of new strategies to lessen the expenditure of our monthly budget. When I think about it, when we started out in our marriage we only have a bed, a stereo component, a Television and a CD player. I am even pregnant and jobless and we even lived with my parents during that time. I think it is through effort, hope, faith and love that we have survived it all. I think also when we acquired something slowly and with much effort that we begin to treasure its value. It is also through time we mature and we learn valuable things that we needed in life. I think a person that has strength grows like a tree because it is built to outlast each storm in life. It is also through the storm that it has grown into a sturdy wood strong enough to last a lifetime.
Jul 8, 2009
Relax and see a movie on TV
When it's time to move to another house
I think moving again is so tiring with all the packing and the effort for looking for a huge vehicle to get all of our things. We are planning to move within the neighborhood but we are still looking for a less expensive house to rent. We don’t have anyone in the city who are servicing for people who will be moving to another unit so it is just too bad because we will be moving again by ourselves. Luckily, in the U.S. they have movers just like Dallas movers. You can visit the link for more information on their services and they have also client testimonials on their site.
Jul 7, 2009
Pres. Arroyo’s breast implant
Jul 3, 2009
Planning our dream house
Right now we are living in a rented house and my husband and I planned to apply for a house mortgage to one of the foreclosed properties within our neighborhood because we want to live near his parents. We plan to live near them so that my mother-in-law could check on our children whenever we are at work. We are still saving up money for the down payment and processing fee before applying for housing loan. I’m still worried because the foreclosed property has illegal occupant but I think we can settle it because we know the person. Anyway, I’m still hoping for the best.
Friday Reflections: What Matters Most
Jul 2, 2009
Property Management
A day with my toddler
Jun 30, 2009
Real Property Management

I think having someone to manage your property for you is a good choice and hassle-free because all you have to think about is your income. Have you heard about Real Property Management? If you have a house or apartment for rent in the U.S., you might want to check this link for more info. If you would also like to invest in Real Property this site could also be useful for you. Real Property Management manages more than 20,000 units in the U.S. and it was also featured in the Bizjournal of Cincinnati and Columbus.
Paracetamol and Decongestant for Swine Flu
Jun 29, 2009
Travel to Okinawa Japan

If ever you want to go to Okinawa Japan like me you might want to check out this link. This site has valuable information on Hotels and Ryokan. You just have to enter the location you want to visit and it is there. You can choose the location and rates per person for the accommodation. This site also has valuable information on various Okinawa Beaches. If you want to have tour ideas on where to go in Okinawa Japan this site definitely has information on scenic locations.
Pictures from our Christmas Party

House Styles and Designs

Check out this picturesque house from winston salem custom homes. This house is like a dream and it will be nice to have one just like this. If you are interested to build your home then you can visit this site, they have hundreds of floor plans where you can choose and customize for your wants and needs. You can also browse for home ideas in their site as well as the interior design that I have posted here. You can choose between a one-story house and two story houses. There are also multiple styles such as craftsman, American tradition, French country, coastal and mountain cabin styles.

Goodbye to the King of pop
Jun 26, 2009
Buying a painting for your home

A painting in your living room can really add to the sophistication and glamour of your house. It would also give you a kind of happy and light feeling knowing that you help someone by purchasing this painting. Nowadays, there are paintings that were just a duplicate of an original and finding a painting that is entirely unique and created with a purpose can really add glamour to your lifestyle.
Friday Reflections - Saving your marriage
One day her husband told her that he wanted a divorce and do you know what she told him? She told him okay, but told him to give her two months to consider it. She changed her behavior and decided to do the things that she had done early on in their marriage. She did not go to any social event and after work she stayed at home reading magazines and crocheting like she did in the past. She keeps on doing this even if her husband is going out every night. After how many weeks her husband also did the same, reading his newspaper in front of the fire while she did her reading as well. Then finally when the two months had passed she asked him about the divorce. He replied and told her that it’s just a crazy idea and he is not pushing through with it.
Jun 25, 2009
Beware of sex offenders
Sleep and our dreams
Looking into International Trade
I think the safest thing to export is garments and accessories because all you have to think about is customs and duties. You might also want to check on harmonized codes for your products. In the import and export industry, you should be aware of the need in complying with the right classification codes for your goods. According to the web portal which I have mentioned earlier, they claimed that companies and the government are loosing billions in revenue due to the fact of classification errors. You can visit the link here for hts code lookup and hs tariff classifications.
Irritating habits that wreck a marriage
The habits that make frequent withdrawals from the couples’ love bank are stated here and this should be avoided by the couple to preserve their marriage or else their wedding vows will be broken. The first one is nagging. It means to torment by persistent faultfinding or complaining. This is the most common mistakes of a woman. A wife often complains about her husbands irritating behavior and wishes that he will change but the truth is the husband has a mind of his own. You can’t change him to be the perfect husband by nagging and complaining and the only thing you can do is accept his behavior and personality.
The second habit is angry outburst. This happens when our partner has done something that displeases us and we do this to punish or annoy them to get even. Some common mistake we make is shouting, put-downs, criticism or sarcastic name calling. Some couples resort to profanity, striking each other, throwing things, pushing, kicking and pulling hair. The third one is criticism, this is the worst part because you don’t only drain the love bank but you also drain your love one’s self esteem. If the person has done something that displeases us, an open talk is the key and understanding is what unlocks the door. We can hate the fault of our partner but we should never hate them and bear in mind that they are just human like us and prone to commit mistakes. There is always forgiveness and acceptance to keep the love flowing in the relationship.
The last one is irritating habits and annoying behavior. Some women marry a man and hope to change his annoying behavior while men marry their women and hope they will never change. There is some truth to this but husbands and wives should bear in mind that they should accept their partner including their annoying habits and focuses on their strengths and not on their weaknesses.
House Remodeling
I think remodeling our home is really a necessity especially if there is an addition to the family. It would mean adding another room for that loved one. Today, we only have two bedrooms in our house but I’m thinking of adding rooms if my children have already grown up. Right now my husband and I slept together with our two children in our room. We arrange our two beds together so I can lie at the middle with my two children beside me. My son is still three years old and my baby girl is 11 months old. I think if ever I have extra money to spend I might also consider in remodeling our bath because it’s too small. Having a bath tub could be nice because it could be relaxing to enjoy a bubble bath after a busy day at work.
Jun 23, 2009
First confirmed death on A(h1n1)
First confirmed death on swine flu in the
Jun 22, 2009
Choosing the best webhosting service
Aside from the list of reviews of web hosting providers this site also has informative articles about blogging. The most important thing in choosing a platform for blogging is to choose a search engine friendly platform such as Yahoo or Google. This platform has an advantage because they have their own Search Engine and if you are using this one, you can easily create search engine friendly web pages to keep the spiders crawling to your site. In short your site has a greater advantage in terms of SEO or Search Engine Optimization. If you opted to have other platform aside from Yahoo and Google it can also be done but you need to install add on modules which makes it quite difficult for inexperienced user.
Jun 18, 2009
My son at the beach
Here is a video of my son on the beach. My parents and my other close relatives goes to the beach sometime last year and I was not able to go with them because I was on maternity leave during that time and I’m the one who takes care of my baby girl at home. My father is the one who has taken this video on his cell phone and transfer this to my cell phone. This was my son’s first time to go to the beach and at first he was afraid of the water but after awhile he was enjoying it.
Cheap web hosting
kvchosting also offers free web hosting without banner ads, unlimited cheap web hosting, reseller hosting, vps hosting and dedicated hosting. They also accept payment like major credit card, google check out and paypal. Their costumer support is available 24 hours everyday and their response time is 30 minutes.
Jun 15, 2009
Join the Filipino Bloggers Society

Jun 13, 2009
Food you can buy online
I’ve recently visited and I’ve discovered that if you have passion for cooking then life can already be so easy for you. Have you experienced reading or watching the cooking of recipes from other countries? I have and one of the difficulties in cooking their recipe is you can’t find the condiments or other ingredients that they were using in your area. This site makes it easier for you because they offer various products and condiments from different countries and ethnicity. They offer 4,500 various ethnic food products and deliver it all over the world with a flat rate of $4.99. They also offer hard to find food products such as, snacks, sauces, spices, cooking mixes, sweets, beverages, wines and so much more.
I’ve also noticed that they have various food products that I have not yet seen or tasted. This could also be a treat for adventurous people who would like to try out new food tastes. They offer various food snacks from other countries as well as wine for wine lovers who would like to try something new.
Jun 12, 2009
Celebrating the Philippines 111 years of independence
We are celebrating the most important event of our nation; the day the Republic of the Philippines was created and governed by its own people. I think by now we should have to be united to a common goal, and that should be to aim in making the Philippines one of the richest countries in the world. If the Philippines become rich then everyone in our country will be provided well with better social services, better employment, better education, better shelter and better opportunities for all. I’m thinking that there is a possibility that this could happen because our country is rich in natural resources. The most important resources are our people and to think it has become one of the most exported resources in our country. Sad but it is true. It has also become one of most abundant and I think inexhaustible because everyday thousand of babies are born.
Way back when I was still in college, I was a member of our school publication. I write most feature stuff like essays and interviews. I am a school writer for four years and during that time we were a member of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines or CEGP. One time when I was in my junior year we have attended the national convention that was held in South Cotabato, Mindanao. The President of the guild was a senior student in UP, Manila, one of the prestigious schools in our country. I’ve seen her on TV as one of the protesters against the Philippine Government. In fact almost all of the school writers are activist and I’ve seen it many times. During that time the president of the Philippines was Fidel V. Ramos and during our convention our guild leaders would discuss all about the issues and concerns against our government. I think whoever will become president of the Philippines there is still a flaw and there will always be issues. There will always be criticism about them and the way they handle the government.
Reminder to everyone:
English is my second language so bear with me if my grammar, as well as sentence and paragraph construction is faulty. I am not writing to impress but simply to express my thoughts.
The opinion written here is solely mine and I have no intention to impose it to anyone for that matter. So as the title goes this is just my perception